About Us

Kingsberg & Kingsday Limited represents the idea of humanitarian and uplift caring individuals across the global landscapes that associate themselves with the challenges of survival. We have discovered that those things that cause conflicts in societies could be processed to provide solution through partnering with the governments and communities while the benefits in monetary terms could turn around the situations into job creation and liveable environments. Over the centuries men and women who had identified with this vision have set up foundations and these foundations have grown into trillions of dollars basically for the help of humanity.


K&K had studied the South African survival strategy in the funding of capital developments and uplift challenges and consequently proceed to work with programs that would fund projects with similar undertones in the Nigerian community perspective. Our funding is from organizations that undertake to participate on equity basis in business arrangements. We buy shares under private placement programs [PPP], usually controlling shares, to control and manage the businesses for reasonable profit.

Established July 2016, the firm’s objectives are in city development and modern transportation. It’s SA associate, Fintrade Pty, had made a mark in almost four decades, and intends to help in revamping Nigeria’s landscapes in the development of holistic cities which would cater 500,000 people in order to help space up the population concentrations in the country whilst making the country sides attractive to job seekers.kings2
K&K plans to explore the large seafood potential in Nigerian territorial waters. The firm is acquiring mudflats to establish farm estates to produce fresh shrimps and fishes.
Transportation being a complex challenge in Lagos has given serious concern to a detail study to enable partnership with both Federal and the State governments in installing monorail corridors to operate affordable but comfortable system to serve the growing population of Lagos.
K&K is funded by offshore investors who operate funding floors in HSBC and some similar institutions globally. Funds are drawn for property based investment which has certificate of occupancy (CofO) as title.
The firm receives applications from clients who wish to create access to investible capital.

The Board of Kingsberg & Kingsday Limited.
